World of colors

In ‘World of Colors,’ I want to share my deep joy in color painting. Producing a work of art, especially an original painting, is a great joy. This joy is expressed by the visual language of forms and matter that dance upon the surface of the painting and by the bright colors that shine through. The spontaneous laying of the colors and the more analytic retouching and reworking of the image create a painting that genuinely manifests the complexity and frolic of its making.

The painted image could also vibrate an electric tension parallel to the inner joy a spectator may feel. While the spectators interpret and share the wild fun of bold forms and bright colors, we elevate into an enlightened artistic experience. The spectators become active agents of the spectacle, and the painting transforms into a communal artistic performance in a particular space and time. In later works, the painting evolves into a matrix of abstract dimensions whose reason and meaning are to be deciphered by the spectators. Thus, we may celebrate and share the uplifting joy of visual culture.